Laser Therapy | Sugar House Day Spa
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Laser Therapy

Aerolase Laser Treatments

Aerolase is a cutting-edge aesthetic laser that effectively treats a variety of skin concerns, such as acne, age spots, and fine lines and wrinkles. Offering proven results with minimal discomfort and side effects, Aerolase is a safe and effective solution for all skin tones.

Rejuvenation Face Treatments for Fine Lines/Wrinkles

Prevent and correct the signs of aging by renewing the epidermis and strengthening the dermis elastin and collagen.

Face $400
Face & Neck $500
Face, Neck & Décolleté $600

Prepaid package of 3

Face $1,100
Face & Neck $1,400
Face, Neck & Décolleté $1,700

Hair Removal

Small Area $200
Medium Area $300
Large Area $400

Prepaid package of 3

Small Area $500
Medium Area $700
Large Area $1,100

Additional Laser Treatments

Priced for full face treatment, additional areas will increase pricing.  Complimentary Consultations available to further discuss options and pricing.

NeoCLEAR (Acne)

Per session $400
Prepaid package of 3 $1,100

Melasma & Hyperpigmentation

Per session $400
Prepaid package of 3 $1,100


Per session $400
Prepaid package of 3 $1,100

Acne Scar Enhancement

Per session $400
Prepaid package of 3 $1,100

Alternative Laser Treatments

Priced for a 20-minute spot treatment, pricing increases for any additional time needed. Complimentary Consultations available to further discuss options and pricing.


Per session $200/20min base pricing
Prepaid package of 3 $500

Warts & Skin Tags

Per session $200/20min base pricing
Prepaid package of 3 $500

Spider Veins & Broken Capillaries Removal

Per session $200/20min base pricing
Prepaid package of 3 $500

Cherry Angiomas Removal

Per session $200/20min base pricing
Prepaid package of 3 $500